Geranium Essential Oil

Geranium Essential Oil

Essence Name:  Geranium
Latin Name:  Yin (T)/Yin(E)
Plant Part:  Leaves, Flowers and Stems


Geranium is a lovely essence who has proved to help move me through a passage of discovery of what I need to do to get through some challenging months.  These last three to four months, I have been studying for an impending test and working through some health problems. Using the geranium essences as a hydrolat, I would spray it on in the morning and in the evening before going to bed.  I had angst of what would develop with the test, how would I be able to store enough knowledge to pass and how would I be able to find the right solutions holistically to help remedy what I was facing with my health.  I would spray it on the top of my head and around my heart and the warmth and love began to show immediately.

My challenges required discipline, time and energy and Geranium made this journey so much easier and lovingly treats you well.  The health benefits include:  Reduction of inflammation, improves the health of the skin, tissue re-generator and lymphatic stimulant.  It also includes Feminine and Masculine Morning Harmonizer and includes to be a passage essence.  Having used this along with a few others of my new favorites, the journey has become easier and a sense of calm is among me.

Kimberly Fisher is a Medicinal Aromatherapist, Ayurveda Gentle Touch Healing Level 1, Realm Reader. To read more about Kimberly, click here.

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