Reset Button

Pushing the Reset Button

By Tresa Laferty

Ayurveda teaches us that the primordial cause of disease, the root of all imbalances, is to forget our nature as spirit. Teasing that out a bit, it means forgetting or losing sight that we are connected to all living things and to the very cycle of life. In these times of immense change, the planet is on a time out giving us strict instructions to go home and reset. This time of reset has deeply opened me to re-connecting to the natural cycles. Allowing for time to pass, allowing for grief to rise, and allowing me to get back in sync to the rhythms of nature. My top 4 tips to help find balance these days starts here:

  1. Re-Connect to Nature: Take care of a plant, use essential oils, plant an herb from seed. When we daily connect to plants we realize that we are not separate from nature, but we are nature itself.
  2. Drink Herbal Teas: Tisanes or herbal “teas” have been consumed almost as long as written history exists making “taking your herbs” both delicious and easy. I make my own tea blends but Yogi Tea brand is a lovely, easy to find option. Relaxed Mind is one of my favorites as is Soothing Bedtime Carmel. Prepare your cup of herbal goodness and allow yourself to slow down, sip your medicine, and feel the healing taking place.
  3. Start or deepen your spiritual practice: One simple act of “ritual” observed every day can provide a centered starting place to your day. My favorite is to light a favorite incense. I use the gentle smoke to cleanse the front door, welcoming in refreshed energy.
  4. Shop Local (for food): With the breakdown of our distribution channels, the importance of shopping local has become crystal clear. Wisconsin has an abundance of private butchers (for those meat eaters), vibrant farmer’s markets, and local growers. Keeping your food choices local not only keeps them fresh but also supports sustainable business practices.

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