Mighty Mugwort

Mighty Mugwort {White Armoise} Essential Oil

Mighty Mugwort essential oil is the “mover and shaker” of blocked energy in the plant kingdom. She helps to remove energy blocks at all levels of the body: physical, spiritual and emotional.

Her skills in moving blocked energy in the physical realm are many. Because Mugwort helps to relieve both upper and lower respiratory infections and is a mucolytic she is a wonderful essence to use when you are suffering with a cold or flu. I have found relief from congestion when I inhale Mugwort essential oil either though the “vapor method” or though a cool mist diffuser. Mugwort stimulates movement of blocked energy in the liver and gallbladder, and since stuck energy can manifest as pain, muscle spasms, gas, anxiety, stress and tension, relief can be provided by directly applying a few drops [3 to 5] over the area of discomfort. I have gotten relief from upper shoulder and neck discomfort when I apply it to those areas directly.


Since Mugwort also moves energy along in the emotional and spiritual realms, she is great to help you move forward when those painful past memories have you stuck, or when your spirits are down. Her beautiful musky floral sent is amazing at lifting your mood. Her ability to wrap you in her beautiful white light energy provides protection when you are working though difficult issues in either the emotional or spiritual areas. According to Master Medicinal Aromatherapist Barry Kapp, “She aids in moving energy so we can truly create new happy stories.”

I started to use Mugwort as a aid to help me deal with my constant Fibromyalgia pain, but in her wisdom, she has presented the areas of energy that are blocked which created the Fibromyalgia in my body. I use this beautiful essence daily before I do any of my self healing work like Reiki, meditation, or before saying my mantra. I put 3 to 4 drops in the palm of my hand and apply her directly to my 3rd eye, throat and heart charka and then after I rub my hands together and I inhale her deeply. I have noticed that a lot my deeper issues from childhood have come forward and as I have been working though them my Fibromyalgia pain has decreased greatly, and what was once constant pain is now occasional pain.

I am reminded of what Barry Kapp says about working with the essences: “They help to support us and provide comfort when working though our issues but we still have to do the work.” Mugwort has given me guidance in working though my energy blockages and that has been a beautiful blessing.


Tara Pippin is a Certified Medicinal Aromatherapist and Occupational Therapist. She is also trained in Reiki, CranioScaral Therapy, and Access Consciousness [the BARS]. To read more about Tara, click here.

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