Divine Timing

Divine Timing

Learning to go with the (spiritual) flow

As of late, I’ve been exploring the phrase “Divine Timing.”  As the words might suggest, it is about being in tune with happenings from a Divine or higher perspective. It’s about knowing when to push and when to pull back. It’s also about recognizing the subtle signs of support for our journey and knowing when the signs point us to a new direction.  We all know the phrase “timing is everything” but we don’t spend a lot of time contemplating the thought that there is a flow of the universe. Things naturally go at a certain pace and when we are “in the flow” things are much easier.  When we are out of the flow or even going against the flow, it can feel frustrating and like we are getting no where, fast.

So many things capture our interest and we want to do them, but our self-doubt comes in and says “If I only had the a) time, b) money, c) energy, then I could do everything I ever wanted.” Better yet, if you could tap into the knowledge of what you are SUPPOSED to be doing, it would help you make better decisions.

There seem to be two distinct ways to look at the problem of timing.

The first way is for us spend our lives waiting for the right opportunity to present itself.  You hear people say “I’ll just wait until I retire.” Or “I’ll wait until the kids are off to college.” My favorite is “I’ll wait until can do it perfectly.”

Another way of looking at timing is: some people don’t wait and they just plow ahead no matter what.  So what if it’s hard and there are all of these obstacles, “I’m determined to get there – no mater what.”  Our culture seems to look at these people as real “go-getters” that make things happen.

Both of these approaches are going against the flow of nature. We, by our very nature, are meant to be in motion. I don’t mean on the run, but we are active parts of the universe, always changing. But relaxing into the flow of that motion takes some practice.

In the CD series “Igniting Intuition,” by Dr. Christiane Northrup and Dr. Mona Lisa Schultz, they talk about “Divine Timing” as part of the Fifth Chakra (Throat Chakra) or the Vishuddha Chakra.  This chakra is associated with communication (the ability to speak our truths), your will and determination but is also about our ability to recognize and respect Divine Timing.  Dr. Schultz tells a story about wanting and pushing for something so strongly, her body fought back and caused severe pain and injury to her neck (the physical area of this chakra.) She was that “go-getter” but failed to see that her purpose or the universal messages were pointing her to another (better) path.

In the book, “Chakra Awakening,” by Margaret Ann Lembo, she talks about people that are pushing hard against Divine Timing are often seen as a “pain in the neck.”  We all know people like that!  Margaret suggest that understanding and embracing our own personal Divine Timing can be created through setting an intention. Try this: Intend that no matter where you go and what you do, you will be at the right place at the right time, as if it were divinely orchestrated by your angels.  Repeating this phrase every morning can really get you in the flow.

For those of you who are in a rush to get to the next important thing or to achieve the next great thing, here is a great clip from one of my favorites, Alan Watts.  He talks about how our culture teaches us, at a very young age, to push, push, push.  But when we get to the end, there is a big let down and we don’t understand where we went wrong.

Wouldn’t it be nice to dance or sing along the way?

So where do you start? First, be aware of where you are in the journey is the first step. Are you the type that waits for the perfect situation or are you the time that bull-dozes through? Either way, you can support your progress by working with your Fifth Chakra or Fifth Emotional Center. Here are some of my favorite ways to support energetic flow through this chakra:

  1. Use medicinal grade essential oils that energetically support this chakra.  All of the “blue” essential oils are great. Blue Spruce, Blue Chamomile, Blue Cypress, Blue Tansy, Violet. Rubbing a few drops of these over your throat several times a day can really get things moving.
  2. Blue crystals like blue lace agate, kyanite and angelite and celestine are beautiful stones to wear or lay over your throat during a meditation.
  3. Using the HAM bija mantra. This mantra is pronounced “HUM” and can be repeated, silently or aloud 108 times.
  4. To be in the flow of Divine Timing does not mean you just sit and wait for things to happen.  Remember: you are meant to be an active part of the universe.
  5. When in meditation, you can repeat these words “I wish for *_____* or something better. As long as it is in harmony with the universe.” Fill in the blank with what you wish for but be sure to use the rest of the request.

When you are in the flow of universal energy, you will be free of stress, worry and anxiety. You will find a deep sense of peace and joy everyday in what ever you are doing. You’ll TRUST that where ever you go, you’ll be in the right place, at the right time. Believe that you are exactly where you are supposed to be, at this time. This feeling of peace and connectedness is what Divine Timing is all about.






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