Crystals and Gemstones can be very effective healing options for performance dogs and people. They can provide a solid energy foundation connecting you to the loving support of the earth. Wearing or using crystals or gemstones has had amazing effects on me and my animals and I'm going to share a few of my uses and some basic guidelines.
Over the ages crystals have been found to carry vibrations that stimulate certain energy centers within our electromagnetic systems that are in constant motion within every body. As we have a circulatory system, we also have a vibrational system. This has been well documented and researched by such eastern sciences as Yoga and acupuncture. Crystals vibrate at different rates, thus having the ability to affect our entire bodies systems. An example of this is if you place a Rutliated Quartz Crystal, which has its own electromagnetic charge, on the nape of your neck, it has the effect of charging the electromagnetic properties of the spinal fluid achieving such results as clearer, faster, communication between the nervous system and the brain. Don't know about you, but I could use better body communication out there on the field!
There are a number of different ways to incorporate these gifts from the earth into your life and the lives of your pups. You can lay them on different areas of the body such as the acupuncture points. This enables the crystals to interact with your electromagnetic systems. But my favorite is to place specific crystals around the bed or crate where my pup is napping. This doesn't disturb them and it can help their body heal and energize while sleeping.
Here are some of my favorite stones and uses:
Amethyst: This popular, beautiful purple stone is known as the "Master Healer"
mainly for it's ability to calm stress, relieve tension and ease physical discomfort. It is wonderful at reducing bruising, swelling and other physical over-exertion issue. For my older dogs, it helps their digestion and enhances the absorption of water. To use it, I just put it near their bed or crate and also place a large amethyst piece in their water bowl. Just make sure you don't have a dog that eats rocks!
This is a very well known stone and is often associated with Native American jewelry. This stone helps with the communication between physical and spiritual worlds and can bring all energies together to stabilize mood swings and provide an inner calm. For dogs that like to roam, it helps them always find their way back home. It can also help with exhaustion and panic attacks. For my high strung performance dogs, I hang a little turquoise on their crate during shows. This helps keep them energized but balanced.
Rose Quartz: This lovely pink stone is known for bringing unconditional
love into our lives and for many of us, this epitomizes our relationship with our beloved pups. This stone also restores trust and harmony and aids the acceptance of change. For those with rescue dogs – this is a must to have in your home! For me, this stone provides the calmness I need during a performance and it keeps me connected to my four legged friend all the while coming from a place of unconditional love. Meaning – doesn't matter how we do at a trial – there is love that connects us. I always have a Rose Quartz in my pocket or near by.
If you are embarking on a new venture to incorporate crystals and gemstones into your life and use them with your pups, be sure you have properly cleared them of any energies they come with before using them. You can easily do this by placing the stones under warm, running water, burying them in the earth for 4 days or placing them in full moon or sun light for several hours. You should also do this type of clearing periodically during use. Be sure you are buying stones from a reputable supplier and you like the way the stone feels in your hand when you pick it up – says a LOT about it's energy.
Most dogs love the energy of these stones and will often lick them and lay on top of them. My dogs love to have them in their crate and like the soft massages I do with the smooth, tumbled stones.
This is a picture of one of my dogs, Nickel. He is wearing a custom created crystal & gem stone collar. It has helped him make profound changes in his life. Read about him under the Dog Aggression category.
There are other posts about crystals so be sure to check them out.